Sunday, November 9, 2008

D a Weekend Part 2

I sleep in late, waking up at noon. I call my girlfriend we talk she starts my day off GREAT! i take a shower wash my face do my weekly facial, and i then plan to eat some good food(it was good) and begin to find out why i am Hella behind in Arabic, and begin to practice for Guitar (on Tuesday).

However, i finish eating and my mother asks can i buy some laundry detergent and some water(i don't mind);so i get ready and i leave. First i head to Kroger i get into the parking lot and I realize there is no money in my account because i did not have the chance to deposit my check this weekend, so i have to go to the bank and then go to a closer Kroger, so i do.

I deposit my check in my Acct. and then I stroll on to Kroger. (Now I am feeling REALLy good a little turned off by myself because i am a tad unfocused, but nonetheless i am good.) i am listening to the Evolution of Robin Thicke- teach u a lesson,need love,wanna love u girl,shooter, Lost without that order)

I arrive at Kroger, get my ipod, wallet, grocery list and phone i double check to make sure i have those items. I look around one last time, get up tie my scarf tighter and close the door. I don't hear a jingle i look in the car and BAM there are my keys, in the ignition the car is OFF(thank god). But the keys... the keys are in the LOCKED CAR!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

So I look at the windows, they are all up, DANG!I cant use a hanger.. i don't wanna stay out here when i cant think of anything to do so i go in and proceed with shopping. I finish shopping i see my man Marcus J. say wat-up, we chat. then i tell him what happens.. i leave and proceed to figure out what to do. so i make the first of what will be 18 calls to my mother (its 2:47pm). I call and call my mother and my pops... NO ANSWER!!!!!! they are home mind you.

I begin thinking can i buy a wedge to wedge my door and then get a hanger and undo the lock... i go to the dollar store ...NOPE... i go back into KROGER...NOPE!I decide maybe i will go to these gas stations near me and see if they have any type of locksmith service. I go into both of them and what do they say..."No, but you can come tomorrow!" WTF fools I need it now yo! i gotta get home tonight..AAHHH! so i leave. So i then go into Dress Barn of all places. While they dont have a wire hanger they do have a smart lady who tells me to call the city police dept. and they can unlock my car for me. I say thank you and think to myself finally its solved!(its 5:03p)

I call the city police dept. only to hear that they only unlock cars if a child is in the car...WTF! i am a citizen in need. You are a person of the law its Sunday and you are telling me you cant even come and help me get my keys out my CAR. B to the S!
so the representative says to call AAA or a locksmith service. I call AAA but i am transferred to a Locksmith company... bunch a BULLY.

so the dude asks my location and car make, i tell him . I am feeling better now b.c i know things are coming to and end and i can proceed with my Sunday. I figure what a weekend this was(wait till u read part 1). but it ends with my mistake and the good service of a locksmith...

about 20minutes pass and the dude arrives, not in a company vehicle but in a KIA...his KIA. I'm like whoa this is fishy is this man on some type of scam tip. Because this sure feels like one. I direct him to my car. The first words out of his mouth are... oh man i know how this can be, let me help you man....NOT! his first words are ... do you know about the fees! i say no, he informs me and i go internally ballistic. BUT who else can i contact. my parents aren't picking up my siblings are out of state or too far in-state!

So he does his "job" more like "a job" and gets the keys out! i pay this sumgum and i am now pissed off. Pissed off that i paid him, pissed off i locked my keys in car for the umpteenth time this week. Pissed off its so cold that i cant feel my fingers. Pissed off my parents sleep now but not when when i come in the house late! just pissed off!

Finally i am in the car in an anger i haven't felt in a while. i take it out on the pedal shifting between 55-60 in a 45(pretty stupid esp.if i woulda gotten pulled over, i know) then my parents call!

this was my weekend. football was wack on TV today too and i have yet to do any Arabic homework.

.peace and awareness.
i hope this makes someone else's day or brightens you mood. I'm outy!

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