The problem i see is when someone is talking to you about what they believe and go from informing to convincing(or trying to convince) you to do as they do. whether they stand on the religious side or not! Its annoying to watch, and boring to hear after 15minutes.
I stand where I stand and you stand where you stand. If you want to talk about anything;lets discuss how our views are impacting the world; how are they benefiting our personal world. How are they helping and how are they hurting. How we have doubts about the same/different things!
Not sitting,standing,yelling,straining to get each other to see our views as right and wrong.
Personally;as far as each his own. If you want to try something new to improve your life do it, if it works stick with it if not go on. But personal life experiences, and the principals you come up with based on those experiences are what will determine what you believe in flat out!
Expand the mind. take down the walls of comfort and convention, what you've always been told vs.what you actually believe. what makes sense and what does not. and see that nude individual and work on them! Work on that person, because that person is you What do you really believe;and why?
if you want to know what i believe;talk with me, lets dialogue. but not just about religion and beliefs,but about ways to improve your life and mine because that is what we live,what we have,what we each know,and what we should learn about. To improve ourselves.

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