So I purchased this album lat week but I didn't really listen to it until now(that how I know i am getting too much music at once) ARE you srious this ALBUM is AWESOME. i know i say that a lot but have you seen my musical library not bragging just backing up my statement LOL.
The Killers- Day & Age. I mean WOW awesome album. I had heard the killers first album(Hot Fuss) but never bought it; and I heard some of "Sawdust" but "Day and Age" is my favorite! I mean my God!!! From top to bottom not a track to skip. my favorites are Human and This is Your Life. if you dont listen to Rock normally this is an awesome place to start! and if you go to amazon now its only 3.99 on digital download.
Well people this is my album of the moment for you to check out. feel free to go on itunes to hear samples of the whole album, or go to amazon and do the same before you buy.
if 30second samples aren't enough then go to rhapsody and listen to the entire album. *WARNING* rhapsody has this new thing where you have to sign up in order to hear the music, so google "the killers on rhapsody" and reach the album that way its easier and you don't have to go through the sign up process.
And no, i have no links because i dont know how that works. so do a little copy and pasting and get out there and listen.
www.google.com search "the killers on rhapsody"
go to itunes and type in "the killers" listen to day and age
peace, love and starbucks(i want some tea :either chai or ginger green)
aight peace and my love folks.
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