Friday, March 6, 2009


Soo... I havent had my usual music cheddar.. so therefore I have been content and grateful in basking in my library. Which lately has consisted of THESE CD's

Not having my computer has been an absolution of sorts(I enjoy other activities like sitting or thinking about... *clears throat*) and a hindurance (I cannot charge my dying ipod surviving on hold and I am in danger of losing all my computer data :/)

Moving on...

Today I post two songs . Coming from Royksopp ( best/most known for their song "Remind Me" used in Geico commercials; full song below)Their new song Happy up there is pretty good too. The video is very creatively stimulating; I wonder who thought of it, how they did it? because it is visually amazings...


Happy Up Here from Röyksopp on Vimeo.


Geico Commercial

Song 2:
Sebastien Tellier
The video for this song, is what I like most.The lips randomly in the sky, the beginning with the women's heads representing islands/'ll know when you see, and BLUE WOMEN [ *purrs* motions hand in clawing motion while on all fours atop an office desk in front of a beautifl city skyline after he called you in because he had something important to say] .lol a bit lengthy but you got a nice picture though](mmm..such a turn on... we need more blue women in the world.. what if that becomes a fad to paint yourself colors...perhaps I will start it!)
I really like the simplicity of the melody with Sebastien's high tone.. its all so milky!

Sebastien Tellier - "ROCHE"

well folks that bout does it for now. enjoy!



George.I.Am said...

yeah my ipod died on me I'm waiting on them to fix mine and ship it back to too me.

Tha_Dooley said...

Your musical taste intrigues me. Never knew it was so broad. Sweet.