Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clothees and new stlyly

so i have been looking at styles lately but certain clothing items (moreso), that fit me i cant narrow my stlye down to a certain category.. its a waste of my time. but i like this sa-weet button hoodee i saw this summer while in japan! man it seems like i catch onto or have the thought of the newest style before it occurs. (the next fad it futuristic silvers.. like all silver outfits... like spacemen but in street clothing form)

like these::: but more futuristic-ish:::


where can i purchase some sweet boots to put over my pants... ek! and some rain boots size 13... and one piece pajama thingy like i kids where but in my size..

those black boots aren't rain boots they are motorcyle boots(2008 Sidi Discovery Motorcyle Rainboots) that look pretty darn fly if i do say so myself...and i just did!

In other news: i'll post at my rate it may be daily it may not be.. who knows but i .

todays playlist consisted of : inverness,panacea,ATLiens(outkast),PMW-lil wayne( the only song i like by him), and anyman [DJ Food Stamp remix]-eminem

have a dope-tastic eevenin'
.peace and much love

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