Sunday, October 26, 2008


So i was thinking, im 20. And I sometimes dress like im younger. So that means its time for me to go shopping. Like real shopping. so being the planner i am, i have set a shopping date. In which i will revamp my wardrobe dramatically. 1 by 1, shirt by shirt, pant by pant, get it!

The date is November 21st! it gives me enough time to save money, spend sufficient money on clothes, and still be able to eat and live well after the shopping occurs.

I worry that i won't buy well. Perhaps i need to go shopping with my fashion-smart Aunt !!!ah-ha! and we can shop. (writing does wonders). That is it! I may need to span these shopping sessions out through the months. i can;t imagine shopping all day my interest leaves me after 3-4 hours... i'll figure it out! :S

I like the Euro/Japanese Prep look (Monoco Magazine, Popeye Magazine,BRUTUS ),the nostalgic 30's look, the original Ocean's Eleven style dress and i have always dug High top Sneaks! My thing is i dont like looking like everyone else. Im sure i won't but i hate looking like the people i hang with. i mean somethings can be similar but we shouldn't look like a group of sextuplets!

the main thing i need to add to my repertoire are accessories (watches,glasses,sunglasses, hats, jackets,a pea coat). im not much of a bling bling chain guy but a nice watch does wonders for outfits. you know!?

So as i now grow up in my appearance...i think i will really enjoy what comes of this. So Auntie R. here i come.

the link for brutus, popeye mag :


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