Thursday, October 28, 2010

sleeping early waking up earlier [10-29]

a dream about.

ordering white castles.

two double, burgers, and fry. were left

i had eaten part of it, but figured for some reason id save the rest.

upon pulling them out they were bigger than usual

meat hanging out from the bun. double the size of their actual burgers with bread about the same size..maybe a smidgen bigger.

i left to go prepare for the night(brush teeth,clean face, etc)

then upon laying in bed i noticed that i still had the bag, and i figured ok why not! i might as well you cant save white castle 'til the next day!

i took out the burger. then i was at a park with walt.nardo was on his way their.nardo arrived i said wassup-then i finished eating one burger and my fries were on the burgers.[as usual]

then we were at an asian restaurant. someone ordered talked/asked if i was with someone i said "no, because that locks you down"

he laughed. we all laughed

there was an asian man with us now sitting at the table with me

[we are at two separate tables]

after seeing walt from the reflection of the tinted glass in front of me. i turn around.

now either before or after the restaurant

we are all running. down a hill. i carrying my burger then half way down toss it! missing it because it tastes so good. but running down the hill anyway and then we were at the asian restaurant having a good time.

i have to let something go to move on. otherwise it will weigh me down.make a decision already,Love. ;D

we were preparing to work out and it was early-dark morning. nardo stretching walt ready and the asian guy there. so to be eating the white castle was not smart on the way down walt asked me if i was alright. because he knew i had been eating the white castle.

we all went down together and laughed at the restaurant.

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